Swedish Orienteering Federation

Preliminary results for KSK-sprinten, etapp 2

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Name: KSK-sprinten
Organiser: Kinnaströms SK
Date: Sunday 8 October 2017

Etapp 1Etapp 2Etapp 2 (overall)

Classes: Show all | D21 | H21 | D16 | H16 | D14 | H14 | D12 | H12 | D10 | H10 | D35 | H35 | D40 | H40 | D45 | H45 | D50 | H50 | D55 | H55 | D60 | H60 | D65 | H65 | D70 | H70 | D75 | H75 | D80 | H80 | Insk | U1 | U2 | ÖM1 | ÖM3 | ÖM7

Sjövalla FK

6 starting competitors
PlacNameClassTimeDiffKm time
1Olivia LundstedtD14 (14)17:478:37
3Emilia LundstedtD12 (24)11:44+0:597:58
3Axel LydmarkU1 (14)18:35+8:4617:31
4Sara LydmarkÖppen motion 3 (26)15:53+1:3810:31
5Nils LydmarkH10 (14)19:17+6:1313:52
7Dan LundstedtH45 (18)16:06+3:147:44

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