Swedish Orienteering Federation

Event calendar

Date Event Organiser Regions
w 53Fri 1/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana nyår 2021OK RoslagenUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Sat 2/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Sun 3/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
w 1Mon 4/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Tue 5/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Wed 6/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Thu 7/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Fri 8/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Sat 9/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Sun 10/1MTBO Julgranen på O-Ringen torgetOK RodhenUppland
locSCShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V52-V1 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
w 2Mon 11/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Veckans nattbana V2 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
locLCShow routes in Livelox
Tue 12/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Wed 13/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Thu 14/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Fri 15/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Sat 16/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Sun 17/1Veckans bana/VinterolRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
w 3Mon 18/1Veckans nattbana V3 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Tue 19/1
Wed 20/1
Thu 21/1
Fri 22/1Vintercupen Etapp 4OK EnenUppland
clubMNShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sat 23/1
Sun 24/1
w 4Mon 25/1Veckans bana V4 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
locLNShow routes in Livelox
Tue 26/1
Wed 27/1
Thu 28/1
Fri 29/1
Sat 30/1Vintercupen Etapp 5OK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sun 31/1
w 5Mon 1/2Veckans nattbana V5 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
locLNShow routes in Livelox
Tue 2/2
Wed 3/2
Thu 4/2
Fri 5/2
Sat 6/2
Sun 7/2
w 6Mon 8/2
Tue 9/2
Wed 10/2
Thu 11/2
Fri 12/2Vintercupen Etapp 6OK EnenUppland
clubMNShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sat 13/2
Sun 14/2
w 7Mon 15/2Veckans nattbana V7-8 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
locLNShow routes in Livelox
Tue 16/2
Wed 17/2
Thu 18/2
Fri 19/2
Sat 20/2
Sun 21/2
w 8Mon 22/2
Tue 23/2
Wed 24/2
Thu 25/2
Fri 26/2
Sat 27/2
Sun 28/2
w 9Mon 1/3
Tue 2/3
Wed 3/3
Thu 4/3
Fri 5/3
Sat 6/3Vintercupen Etapp 7OK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sun 7/3
w 10Mon 8/3Veckans nattbana V10 OK LinnéOK LinnéUppland
locLNShow routes in Livelox
Tue 9/3
Wed 10/3
Thu 11/3
Fri 12/3
Sat 13/3Vintercupen Etapp 8 (avslutning)OK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sun 14/3
w 11Mon 15/3
Tue 16/3Motions-OLOK EnenUppland
locMShow routes in Livelox
Wed 17/3
Thu 18/3
Fri 19/3
Sat 20/3Träningsdag för Upplands ungdomar 13-16 årSigtuna OKUppland
Sun 21/3
w 12Mon 22/3
Tue 23/3
Wed 24/3
Thu 25/3
Fri 26/3
Sat 27/3
Sun 28/3
w 13Mon 29/3
Tue 30/3
Wed 31/3
Thu 1/4Solrundan Rasbo/Rodhen 4-O, del 1Rasbo IKUppland
locMShow routes in Livelox
EventorstestetOK LinnéUppland
clubLStart times
Fri 2/4Väsbyträffen Rasbo/Rodhen 4-O, del 2OK Rodhen
Rasbo IK
Sat 3/4Väsbyträffen Rasbo/Rodhen 4-O, del 2OK Rodhen
Rasbo IK
Vistebysprinten Rasbo/Rodhen 4-O, del 3Rasbo IKUppland
locSShow routes in Livelox
Sun 4/4Vistebysprinten Rasbo/Rodhen 4-O, del 3Rasbo IKUppland
locSShow routes in Livelox
w 14Mon 5/4Fåfängan Rasbo/Rodhen 4-O, del 4Rasbo IKUppland
locLShow routes in Livelox
Tue 6/4
Wed 7/4
Thu 8/4
Fri 9/4
Sat 10/4Upplands Elitmiljö I Teknikträning I MorgaUpplands OFUppland
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Upplands Elitmiljö I Teknikträning I RamstalundOK Linné
Upplands OF
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Sun 11/4Upplands Elitmiljö I Teknikträning I MorgaUpplands OFUppland
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Upplands Elitmiljö I Teknikträning I RamstalundOK Linné
Upplands OF
clubMShow routes in Livelox
w 15Mon 12/4
Tue 13/4
Wed 14/4
Thu 15/4
Fri 16/4
Sat 17/4
Sun 18/4Upplands Elitmiljö I Sparingträning Medel I BacktorpLänna IFUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 16Mon 19/4
Tue 20/4
Wed 21/4
Thu 22/4
Fri 23/4
Sat 24/4
Sun 25/4
w 17Mon 26/4
Tue 27/4
Wed 28/4
Thu 29/4
Fri 30/4
Sat 1/5
Sun 2/5
w 18Mon 3/5
Tue 4/5
Wed 5/5Luffarligan KlubbholmenOK EnenUppland
locMShow routes in Livelox
Thu 6/5Motions-OLOK EnenUppland
locMShow routes in Livelox
Fri 7/5
Sat 8/5Träningspaket för Upplands ungdomarSigtuna OKUppland
Upplands Elitmiljö I Teknikträning I KnivstaUpplands OFUppland
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Sun 9/5Medel KM EkolsundOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 19Mon 10/5
Tue 11/5
Wed 12/5
Thu 13/5
Fri 14/5
Sat 15/5
Sun 16/5
w 20Mon 17/5
Tue 18/5KM långdistansIdrottsföreningen OLGY UppsalaUppland
clubLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Thoringen Etapp 1IF ThorUppland
Till Skogs #1 med Roslagens SparbankVallentuna-Össeby OLUppland
clubLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 19/5KM medeldistansIdrottsföreningen OLGY UppsalaUppland
Thu 20/5KM sprintdistansIdrottsföreningen OLGY UppsalaUppland
Fri 21/5
Sat 22/5
Sun 23/5
w 21Mon 24/5
Tue 25/5Bulken, GånstaOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Thoringen Etapp 2IF ThorUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Till Skogs med Roslagens sparbank IILänna IFUppland
locMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 26/5
Thu 27/5
Fri 28/5
Sat 29/5Träningsdag för Upplands ungdomarRånäs OKUppland
clubLShow routes in Livelox
Sun 30/5
w 22Mon 31/5
Tue 1/6SäsongsavslutningOK LinnéUppland
clubLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Thoringen Etapp 3IF ThorUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Tredagars E1 - Granåsen (Bålsta)OK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Till Skogs med Roslagens sparbank IIIOK RoslagenUppland
Wed 2/6
Thu 3/6
Fri 4/6
Sat 5/6Tredagars E2 - SkogstibbleOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Medel KM OK RodhenUppland
Sun 6/6
w 23Mon 7/6
Tue 8/6Till skogs med Roslagens Sparbank #4Rånäs OKUppland
clubLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 9/6
Thu 10/6KM medel för VÖOL, OKÖ och WOKVallentuna-Össeby OLUppland
Upplands Elitmiljö I Sprintträning I UlleråkerOK Linné
Upplands OF
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Fri 11/6
Sat 12/6
Sun 13/6
w 24Mon 14/6
Tue 15/6Sommarträning SnesslingbyOK RoslagenUppland
clubLShow routes in Livelox
Tredagars E3 - HusbergOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 16/6MTBO, träning, Pattons HageIF Thor
OK Rodhen
OK Rodhens Öppna Sprint-KMOK RodhenUppland
clubSShow routes in LiveloxResults
Thu 17/6Medel-KM med OL-skoleavslutningIF ThorUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 18/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Sat 19/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Enens Jukola StafettOK EnenUppland
FelaktigOK EnenUppland
Sun 20/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
w 25Mon 21/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Tue 22/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Figges 2021Vallentuna-Össeby OLUppland
clubLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 23/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Thu 24/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Fri 25/6MikrosprintOK RoslagenUppland
clubSShow routes in Livelox
Sat 26/6
Sun 27/6
w 26Mon 28/6
Tue 29/6
Wed 30/6
Thu 1/7
Fri 2/7
Sat 3/7
Sun 4/7
w 27Mon 5/7
Tue 6/7
Wed 7/7
Thu 8/7
Fri 9/7
Sat 10/7
Sun 11/7
w 28Mon 12/7
Tue 13/7
Wed 14/7
Thu 15/7
Fri 16/7
Sat 17/7
Sun 18/7
w 29Mon 19/7
Tue 20/7
Wed 21/7
Thu 22/7
Fri 23/7
Sat 24/7
Sun 25/7
w 30Mon 26/7
Tue 27/7
Wed 28/7
Thu 29/7Öppet RoslagsmästerskapRimbo SOKUppland
locSShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 30/7
Sat 31/7
Sun 1/8
w 31Mon 2/8
Tue 3/8
Wed 4/8
Thu 5/8RoslagsveteranernaVallentuna-Össeby OLUppland
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 6/8
Sat 7/8
Sun 8/8
w 32Mon 9/8
Tue 10/8#hemdagars, Etapp 1OK LinnéUppland
Wed 11/8#hemdagars, Etapp 2OK LinnéUppland
Thu 12/8Roslagsveteranerna 2021-08-12Rånäs OKUppland
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 13/8
Sat 14/8
Sun 15/8
w 33Mon 16/8Sprint-FMLånghundra IFUppland
clubSShow routes in LiveloxResults
Tue 17/8
Wed 18/8Motions-OL i VibyOK EnenUppland
locMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Medeldistans - UOF Junior & SeniorLänna IF
OK Rodhen
Upplands OF
Thu 19/8L100 RoslagsveteranernaLånghundra IFUppland
Klubbträning FagerskogenOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Fri 20/8
Sat 21/8
Sun 22/8
w 34Mon 23/8
Tue 24/8U-ringen etapp 1IF Thor
Långhundra IF
OK Linné
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sprint KMOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 25/8
Thu 26/8Roslagsveteranerna 26 augLänna IFUppland
U-ringen etapp 2IF Thor
Långhundra IF
OK Linné
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 27/8
Sat 28/8
Sun 29/8KM Rånäs OK Rånäs OKUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 35Mon 30/8
Tue 31/8U-ringen etapp 3IF Thor
Långhundra IF
OK Linné
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 1/9
Thu 2/9Klubbträning GröngarnOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Fri 3/9
Sat 4/9
Sun 5/9
w 36Mon 6/9
Tue 7/9
Wed 8/9
Thu 9/9Roslagsveteranerna OK RodhenUppland
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
OL-träning KlubbholmenOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 10/9
Sat 11/9
Sun 12/9
w 37Mon 13/9
Tue 14/9
Wed 15/9Långdistansträning - UOF Junior & SeniorLänna IF
OK Linné
Upplands OF
Thu 16/9OL-träning GånstaOK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in Livelox
Fri 17/9
Sat 18/9
Sun 19/9
w 38Mon 20/9
Tue 21/9Natt KMOK EnenUppland
clubMNShow routes in LiveloxResults
Wed 22/9
Thu 23/9RoslagsveteranernaHäverödals SKUppland
Roslagsveteranerna 23 septHäverödals SKUppland
locMShow routes in LiveloxResults
Fri 24/9
Sat 25/9Natt-KM Rasbo IK/Länna IFRasbo IKUppland
Sun 26/9Dag-KM Rasbo IK/Länna IFRasbo IKUppland
clubLShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 39Mon 27/9
Tue 28/9
Wed 29/9
Thu 30/9OL-träning GånstaOK EnenUppland
clubMNShow routes in Livelox
Fri 1/10
Sat 2/10
Sun 3/10
w 40Mon 4/10
Tue 5/10
Wed 6/10
Thu 7/10OL-träning S. BredsandOK EnenUppland
clubMNShow routes in Livelox
RoslagsveteranerSigtuna OKUppland
Fri 8/10
Sat 9/10
Sun 10/10
w 41Mon 11/10
Tue 12/10
Wed 13/10
Thu 14/10
Fri 15/10
Sat 16/10SM sprintOK RoslagenUppland
Sun 17/10
w 42Mon 18/10
Tue 19/10
Wed 20/10
Thu 21/10Veterantouren i NorrtäljeOK RoslagenUppland
Fri 22/10
Sat 23/10
Sun 24/10
w 43Mon 25/10
Tue 26/10Nordic Police Championship, sprint relaySigtuna OKUppland
Wed 27/10
Thu 28/10
Fri 29/10
Sat 30/10
Sun 31/10
w 44Mon 1/11
Tue 2/11
Wed 3/11Höst Öst SiggeforaOK LinnéUppland
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Thu 4/11
Fri 5/11
Sat 6/11
Sun 7/11Novemberserien E1 Veteran/motion OLOK EnenUppland
w 45Mon 8/11
Tue 9/11
Wed 10/11
Thu 11/11
Fri 12/11
Sat 13/11
Sun 14/11Novemberserien E2, Veteran/motion OLOK EnenUppland
locMShow routes in Livelox
w 46Mon 15/11
Tue 16/11
Wed 17/11
Thu 18/11
Fri 19/11
Sat 20/11
Sun 21/11SkinkloppetRimbo SOKUppland
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
Novemberserien E3, Veteran/motion OLOK EnenUppland
locLShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 47Mon 22/11
Tue 23/11Natträven E3Sigtuna OKUppland
locMNShow routes in Livelox
Wed 24/11Luffarligan 2021-11-24Vallentuna-Össeby OLUppland
Luffarligan 24 november 2021Stockholms OF
Vallentuna-Össeby OL
Thu 25/11Upplandsbygden By Night (UBN) #1OK Linné
Upplands OF
Fri 26/11
Sat 27/11
Sun 28/11Novemberserien E4, Veteran/motion OLOK EnenUppland
locMShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 48Mon 29/11
Tue 30/11
Wed 1/12
Thu 2/12
Fri 3/12
Sat 4/12
Sun 5/12Vintercupen E1OK EnenUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults
w 49Mon 6/12
Tue 7/12
Wed 8/12
Thu 9/12Upplandsbygden by night (UBN) Etapp 2IF Thor
Upplands OF
Fri 10/12Vintercupen E2OK EnenUppland
clubMNShow routes in LiveloxResults
Sat 11/12
Sun 12/12
w 50Mon 13/12
Tue 14/12
Wed 15/12
Thu 16/12
Fri 17/12
Sat 18/12
Sun 19/12
w 51Mon 20/12
Tue 21/12
Wed 22/12
Thu 23/12
Fri 24/12
Sat 25/12
Sun 26/12Vintercupen E3OK EnenUppland
w 52Mon 27/12
Tue 28/12
Wed 29/12
Thu 30/12
Fri 31/12Sylvestersprinten 21Länna IFUppland
clubMShow routes in LiveloxResults

