Svenska Orienteringsförbundet

Aktivitet: Camp Madeira

Anmälan är stängd.

Aktivitet Camp Madeira
Arrangör IFK Mora OK

The camp officially starts in the evening 11.01.2018 and ends after the races 21.01.2018. We can keep the accommodation until Monday after the races if runners wish for that. On the first part of the camp we will focus on the physical aspects and will have meetings/presentation/mental trainings for the most important events 2018. In the end of the camp we will participate at the Madeira O meeting. We will try to find a big house or similar not too far from the airport and will probably cook on our own. Lena will join for training and giving massage.

Anmälningsstopp fredag 15 december 2017 klockan 23:59
Starttid torsdag 11 januari 2018 klockan 20:00
Antal anmälda deltagare 11


Namn Namn arrival date and time departure date and time comments
David Bejmer Göteborgs OF 13/1 15.30 20/1 16.30 Bokat!
Florian Attinger IFK Mora OK 11th 11:00 22nd 10:30 booked
Adrian Dahlström IFK Mora OK Lördag 13/1 17.40 Måndag 22/1 10.20 Bokat!
Kristian Dahlström IFK Mora OK Saturday 13/1 17.40 Monday 22/1 10.20 Booked!
Erik Folkesson Blom IFK Mora OK Lördag 13/1 17:30 Måndag 22/1 10:20 Bokat!
Raffael Huber Svensson IFK Mora OK 11.01.2018 18:40 21.01.2018 10:30 booked
Lena Karlsson Holmer IFK Mora OK 180113 kl.17.50 180122 kl.10.20 bokat
Denisa Kosová IFK Mora OK 11.01.2018 23:55 22.01.2018 10:30 booked
Vojtech Kral IFK Mora OK 11.1.2018 23:55 22.1.2018 10:30 booked
Carl Magnusson IFK Mora OK 15/1 20:45 20/1 16:30 booked!
Marek Minar IFK Mora OK

