Swedish Orienteering Federation

About Eventor

What is Eventor?

Eventor is the Swedish Orienteering Federation's central IT system, which handles event calendar, entries, results and reporting. The system is constantly updated with new functionality.

Terms and Conditions

Orienteering consists of four disciplines – orienteering (traditional orienteering), ski orienteering, mountain bike orienteering and trail orienteering. A club, which is a member of the Swedish Orienteering Federation (SOFT), is entitled to use Eventor for events and activities that are included in any of the four disciplines. The category events includes international events, championships, national events, district events, club events and local events (“närtävlingar”). The category club activities includes, for example, entries for trainings, camps and club trips.

Eventor may not, without the approval of SOFT, be used for events and activities that are not included in any of the four disciplines.

For international events in Sweden, World Ranking Events (WRE) excluded, special conditions will be handled in a certain contract between SOFT and the organiser.

SOFT provides support for championships, national events and district events. For club events, local events and club activities, limited support is given.


The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation applicable in EU Member States as of May 25, 2018.

The aim is to protect your privacy and provide you with better Internet protection. This means that personal data should be processed legally, correctly and transparently in relation to the person being registered. For the sports movement in Sweden, it means that each type of data process should be based on a valid legal basis, such as an agreement or the task of public interest.

How is Eventor affected?

For Eventor, GDPR means the following:

  • Purpose Limitation, Data Minimization and Transparency of Information

    • That the information retrieved to Eventor from IdrottOnline is only stored and otherwise processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and later not otherwise processed in any other way. The information should also be reasonable, relevant and not unnecessarily detailed in relation to its purpose.

         In section "Transparency of stored personal data" below, there is a list of what personal data is being stored in Eventor, why they are stored, and who has access to it. The information can also be accessed via a link from My Pages.
    • That the information provided by Eventor to external event-related services and systems is only processed by these systems for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and later not otherwise processed in any other way. Here, a so-called PUB agreement (personal data agreement) is signed between SOFT and providers of the external services and systems that access the Eventor information.

  • Development and update of features

    • Eventor contains a log system to track changes made by administrators and entry managers to better protect you as an individual.
    • Eventor ends with the so-called club login, for example, to be able to track who made an entry for another person in order to better protect you as an individual.
    • Eventor no longer allows the home address to be included in the personal file that is shared with external timing programs (OLA, MeOS, SportSoftware etc.).
    • Eventor contains a system to easily identify and delete users who have been inactive in Eventor for 24 months.

  • Storage Limitation

    • You may request that your personal information is to be unidentified in Eventor. In section "The right to be removed from Eventor" below, you will find information on how to proceed. Inactive users are deleted after 24 months, see point above.

For you as a club

We do not see that you as a club need to take any action in Eventor or other event-related systems with regard to GDPR. However, as a club, you can still be affected by what information is now available and how it may be managed by you as a club.

Learn more about the SOFT Privacy Policy here.

Learn more about Sports Federation (RF) Privacy Policy at the RF website.


Transparency of stored personal data  

Roles in Eventor and access to personal data

The following table shows who or who has access to your personal information. In addition to yourself, three administrator roles can also access many of your personal data. These three roles are administrator, organiser and entry manager. The administrator can do all the other two roles can do. For the sake of simplicity, all these three roles are referred to as "Administrators" below.

Stored personal data retrieved from IdrottOnline

For member in a SOFT joined club, Eventor retrieves personal and organizational information from IdrottOnline, which is the Sport Federation's management and communication tool. To log in to Eventor you need to be included in your club's membership register in IdrottOnline. Read more on the Help and Support page.

The following information is retrieved from IdrottOnline and stored in Eventor:

Data Why is it stored? Who have access?
Idrotts-ID (RF unique personal ID)For exchange of data between IdrottOnline and Eventor, as well as username for yourself when logging into Eventor and other systems that use idrotts-ID as login. You and administrators.
Username and Password Username and a so-called hashed password is stored.
For why it is stored, read more in the section "Integrity and Privacy."
Only you.
Name To be used in Eventor and other event-related systems. Visitors to the entry, start and results list.
Name To be used in Eventor and other event-related systems. Visitors to the entry, start and results list.
Date of birth (not social security number) In order to make an age-related classification in event-related services. Date and not just years are needed to easily identify people with the same name in the same club. You and administrators.
Gender In order to distinguish men and women in event-related services. You and administrators.
Nationality Because your nationality affects your right to participate in different activities, see SOFT:s rules and regulations. Visitors to the entry, start and results list, where nationality is displayed.
Address (if you gave your approval) In order to get in touch with you before or after an activity. You and administrators.
Phone number (if you gave your approval) In order to get in touch with you before an activity or during the activity (in case of an accident, for example). You and administrators.
Email In order to get in touch with you for an activity. You and administrators. Organizer can reach you via an email-based communications service in Eventor.
Organizations you are a member of To be used in Eventor and other competition-related systems. You and administrators, but also site visitors for activities where you represent your organization.


Other personal data stored

Other information stored about you in Eventor:

Data Why is it stored? Who have access?
Personal ID (Eventor ID) For exchange of data between systems and services, for example, Sverigelistan would not work without a personal ID. Personal ID also means that you get faster help with support issues. You and administrators.
Social security number For members in a club connected to SOFT, the social security number is usually not stored in Eventor.
For Swedish non-SOFT connected members, the social security number is stored.
For why it is stored, read more in the section "Integrity and Privacy."
Only you.
Account Information and last logged In order to give you better support. Only SOFT administrators.
Member of higher organisation To be able to use Eventor and other event-related systems. Visitor of pages for activities where you represent your organisation.
Eventor roles in different organisations In order to be able to access various actions in Eventor and other event-related systems. You and administrators.
Standard class (if you gave your approval) In order for you to get the correct default class at the time of entry. You and administrators.
Electronic card number In order for you to get the correct electronic card number at the time of entry. You, organisers and administrators.
IOF person id In order to participate in World Ranking Events (WRE). You, organisers and administrators.
Status for receiving SOFT information and offers from SOFT partners In order to choose which information you wish to share. You and administrators.
Competition and class you are notified to In order to see which competitions and activities you have been notified to. Visitors to the entry, start and results list.
Ordered services To see what services you ordered. You, organisers and administrators.
Results To see your result at an event or activity. Visitor of the results list.
Split times To see your stretches between controls on an activity. Visitor of the time schedule.
About ranking; current placement and points in Rankinglistan To see your current ranking points and your ranking-based results. Visitors to Rankinglistan.
Current location and points in Sverigelistan (for 15 year olds and over) In order to see your current points in Sverigelistan and your Sverigelistan score-based results. Members of clubs who paid subscriptions for access to Sverigelistan.



Personal data processed in the sports movement in Sweden must be accurate and updated, if necessary. This means that the person handling personal information should take reasonable steps to ensure that incorrect personal data is deleted or corrected without delay, for example, when you as a registered person request correction of incorrect personal data.

Incorrect Personal Information

Because Eventor retrieves your personal information from IdrottOnline, this is where you need to change the information if something is incorrect.
Enter your personal page on your club's IdrottOnline website. Log in via the padlock on the top right of the page by entering the same username and password as in Eventor. Then click on your name in the top right and in the box that appears, on the "My Page" link. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect in Eventor.

Incorrect data in entry, start or results list

Because all handling of event-related data is made by the current organiser, this is where you turn when something needs to be corrected. The organiser then uploads the information again to Eventor.


Integrity and Privacy

Consent to publish your name

According to the SOFT event rules and regulations, with your event entry you agree to your name being stored in event documentation, such as entry lists, startlists, and results lists, as well as publicity on the Internet and in other media. You also agree that any GPS tracking will be published.

Consent that administrators and entry managers can view and manage your personal data

Because your federation and club should be able to:

  • Provide support for entries and managing your data
  • Get in touch with you, both before activities, but also during activities
  • Manage your events entries, such as youth events and relays

... you, as a member of your club, agree to that administrators in the federations your association belong to, your own club administrator (may be several), as well as your entry manager, are able to view and manage your personal information.

Eventor saves log information about all changes made in the system to claim abuse.

Consent to receive SOFT information and offers from SOFT sponsors and partners

On My Pages >> Personal Settings >> Information, enter your consent to receive SOFT information and offers from SOFT:s sponsors and partners. No sponsorship offers or promotional items will be sent without your consent.

Despite the consent of receiving SOFT sponsors and partners, SOFT never shares your personal information with sponsors, partners, or other third parties. All contacts and all mailings are handled by SOFT.

SOFT never shares your personal information with sponsors, partners, or any third party without your consent.

Social security number, username and password

Social security number for member in SOFT-connected club

For members of a SOFT-connected club, the social security number in IdrottOnline is used only once and for identifying a member. The social security number is then replaced with a unique so-called idrotts-ID, i.e. Eventor never retreives the social secuiry number from IdrottOnline. However, Eventor stores your last successful login so you can log in to Eventor even when IdrottOnline is not working, and then, if you have filled in your social security number as username it will be stored together with a so-called hashed password in Eventor.

The decision on identification by social security number is taken by the sports federation (RF) who is responsible for IdrottOnline. Read more about why in the FAQ question here.

Social security number for Swedish citizens who are not members in a SOFT-connected club

For Swedish citizens who are not members of a SOFT-connected club, but registered in Eventor, the social security number is stored. The purpose is to avoid duplicates in the system, but above all, in order to easily handle later requests for membership in an SOFT-connected club in a simple and correct manner.

Data shared to timekeeping programs (OLA, MeOS, SportSoftware etc.)

Only necessary information about you is included in the so called personal register file, used by timekeeping programs, to organise and administer an orienteering event. This means, among other things, that your information will automatically appear in the timekeeping program on the event when you make an entry with your electronic card for an open class.

Data shared to other external services and systems

All information provided by Eventor to external event-related services and systems is only processed by these systems for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be processed later in a different manner. Here, a so-called PUB agreement (personal data agreement) will be signed by SOFT and the suppliers of the external services and systems that, through a so-called API, can access Eventor's information.

Some of your personal data is also accessible to your club via an API:

First name, last name, date of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, postcode, preset classes, and IOF ID.


The right to be removed from Eventor

You can always get your personal information removed from Eventor.

  • If you are a club member, contact your club administrator and ask to no longer be set as active in orienteering in IdrottOnline. Your Eventor user will then expire within 24 hours.
  • If you are not a club member, please contact the Eventor support at eventorsupport@orientering.se to make you user expire within one week.

After 24 months, the information is deleted.


Technical Requirements


Eventor is based on established W3C web standards and works with all reasonably modern browsers, including Firefox 1+, Safari 1+, Chrome 1+, Internet Explorer 6+, and Opera 7+. The latest version of each browser is recommended for an optimal user experience.


Some features in Eventor require Javascript enabled in your browser to work. Many features do not require Javascript, but the user experience gets better with Javascript enabled. You are therefore strongly advised to have Javascript enabled. Search your browser's documentation to find out how to do.


Eventor uses small text files with settings, so-called cookies, stored on your computer to ease your use of the page. The cookies used are session cookies, which include information about which pages you have permission for when logged in.

If you choose Eventor to remember your login, permanent cookies are also used.

A list of which cookies are used, see here.

Eventor also works without cookies enabled. You can avoid cookies by changing your browser's settings. For information on how to do, see the help of your browser.


Advertise in Eventor

There is an opportunity to advertise in Eventor. More information about formats and prices is available on the SOFT website.




This version's build time

04/02/2025 15:00

